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aus dem Ars Mundi - Winterkatalog 2021
drawn in March 2017 (a bit from a template of the internet) and decorated with colored pencils and computer colors in 2019...
drawn in April 2018 (from a template of the internet) and colored by myself ~ due to my former color system in art
Winter 2007 - "Mika & Merlin" - drawn by myself - based on the type of Rivendell from LotR
drawn in summer 2014 freehand by myself as a template for a silk painting and later filled in the pc with colors
2019 - horizontal cross-section of a ball - due to my former color system in art, with a 3d - effect...
little unicorn (Anna´s "sister" from 2020) drawn in 2008 - freehand by myself and filled with watercolors (background is later made by Pc)
2007 - "Mika & Merlin" - idea from Lord of the Rings (J.R.R Tolkien) - I drew it on paper with a pencil and scanned it in my PC and then I filled it out with these beautiful colors and did a tile effect on it... one can use it for a unique bathroom wall.
right "me" or sister "Steffunny" drawn in summer 2014 freehand by myself as a template for a silk painting and later filled with stars & colors in my pc
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