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For a long time are from me 78 philosophical and funny spells (sayings) invented, which you can read on the side, download and print out for free. Perhaps a corresponding small book will be published in the future, although many funny sayings have not yet been published....
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I accidentally discovered in 2002 how to make some physical constants (Max Planck) to 1, later developed a general formula from it and - according to "Heuni" - to use it against the danger of Asassn-14ko  and possibly build a lightsaber. xD

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I started developing a new clock in summer 2000. It is from the view of the North Pole, has 24 hours and rotates counter-clockwise  to look real. Even colours are in the concept due to human mythology, which are shown also on a large 2D world map (below on the side).

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on the side are 36 new ideas of mine that can be called inventions. After doing some research, I was able to figure out how to make it happen. If a company wants to do this, the statement on the use of content on the side "imprint" applies - regarding the Knoppe formula.

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I have since the year 2001 (with mathematical approach and symmetry in geometry) 10 years trained myself to write a logical book. After further 5 years researching Wikipedia topics, in 2015 - a 1st overview appeared on the market by publisher "Paramon". After more 6 years of work I was able to bring 2nd and 3rd - a useful handbook with 33 different topics (and good tips according to the doctor) as a kind of "travel guide of life" for the young generation, at the normal price with "books on demand " in the languages GermanEnglish and French to the market; among others inspired by the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" from the honorable Douglas Adams. The last part with "anatomy & science" should be available on the book market in 2030...
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The free health concept from the book in German and English that since 5 years has been successfully tested. This is proven not only by photos of muscle groups, but also by good laboratory values for the liver and kidneys, as well as a good medical assessment of the general condition. Bacteria diseases & antiserum pad vs. snake.

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magic potion

In 2019 I came up with the idea of a new recipe for making a long drink with special active ingredients to invigorate body, mind and soul for parties to do on weekends; especially when you are "in" here in the near of the lake and need a new "inspiration". The recipe is free at the side in 3 languages available for download.
The ingredients are Water, Flavouring, Sugar, Vodka, Caffeine ( and a self-chosen secret ingredient)

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Here are 8  of my drawings and paintings I have made over the years from 2007 to 2019, + 2 campus drawings . 
I often drew with a pencil first, scanned then into the computer and used a "grafic program- for the colours". On the site are also .zip-files with the paintings and works of famous artists, as well as a link to a museum in Amsterdam...
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Here I "showed" it now myself just in 3 videos, although I used to play the flute, guitar and piano (with my feet) and also sang in former times - but "our" old school Techno DJ Yoko (from a small island off Tokyo, Japan), which is active since 20 years in the field in Germany, up to 1,800 records used, courses taken and a 303 assembled by himself is integrated. At the side is also a Hifi technical concept.pdf - for a small private party room...

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I have here 18 small amateur videos filmed (by mom) with a simple digital camera (Canon SX710HS) as a "gimmick" (the professional in this field is my brother "Robin" & little Anna) and with sounds by me, free sound and audiyou in the Microsoft Windows 10 Video Editor set to music. The main English video is "space engineers".
You can also find all the videos and playlists at youtube.

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World of Warcraft (MMorpg) from our former Starcraft league sponsor 1999) to "took part" and have fun - with me since the summer of 2008, even if I don't play very well, but stay in touch for a long time and with the help of a lot of research wowhead then, yes 91,47 % achieve-ments made in 14 years. You often meet pleasant people there. Greetings to J. Allen, Antha, Elune, Neevi.
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pc compositions.pdf (from the professional) in German and English for free download, as well as instructions for one home office.pdf with tips. Advertising partners here for cheap "refurbished" (second hand) hardware  to shop.

Also a large list of 16 good tested components...

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A page on money: Reports, sponsoring & assistants, commissions & advertising partners, co-workers list, donations, tax declaration, bitcoin wallet key, investments...

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"This site has been very valuable to me. Now I have a lot of nice new impressions" Ken (Awin) Flover
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